
Every day, we fight for spaces that are open and inclusive, supportive and egalitarian. But discrimination and violations of individual boundaries still occur every day.

We are making sure that the spaces and experiences during the ECMC will allow everyone to express themselves freely, but with respect for others and without overstepping anyone’s boundaries. and we will not accept any discrimination.

There will be a space for raising awareness, a dedicated team and a telephone number in case of emergency. We also ask you to be attentive to each other and to take joint responsibility during the whole event.

We reserve the right to exclude anyone who fundamentally refuses to treat other folks with respect and/or makes discriminatory comments, and/or behaves in a way that goes against to the values of the event.

  • No malicious comments concerning gender, sexual orientation, identity, age, ethnic origin or race, religious attack or threats, sexists comments, hate speech

  • No degrading remarks about personal appearance and/or abilities

  • No communicating personal information
    without the authorization of the person(s) concerned

Free expression without violating the boundaries of others.

An emergency number and a safer space / retreat where you can rest will be proveded during the event. If you feel in danger in any way or notice
that someone else is being harassed or is not feeling well, please do not hesitate to speak to an AwareMess volunteer or call the emergency number.

We would like to be able to say that the whole event is a perfectly safe space
where no boundaries are crossed. however we are aware that this cannot yet be achieved in the current social and economic circumstances.

We are all concerned by the struggles regarding gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion or social background.

Before entering into a space, in interaction or so, Please take a moment to reflect on our own difference, privilege and power.

Let’s Remember that inequity is systemic.

if you witness any situation that disturbs or questions you, come and talk to the awaremess team present throughout the event or contact us!

No homophobia No transphobia No validism No profanity No racism No biphobia No harassment No bullying No threatening language No intimidation No sexism

No homophobia No transphobia No validism No profanity No racism No biphobia No harassment No bullying No threatening language No intimidation No sexism